Make a donation to the Chœur classique de l'Outaouais:
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(in French)
Tribute program

Whether to highlight a special occasion, the loss of a loved one or simply for the love of choral music, we invite you to share these special moments with us through a musical tribute.

The Chœur classique de l'Outaouais now offers you the opportunity to sponsor one or more works of your choice which will be performed during one of our concerts.

In addition, depending on the amount offered, a video / photo montage of the pieces performed will be made available to the sponsor. Click here to see an example

For more information, we invite you to contact us.

To our English-speaking public

Please note that the information on our web site that is currently available in French only is in the process of being translated. The English version of the full CCO website will be available shortly. We thank you for your understanding.

To contact us: Whether you are seeking information, looking to buy concert tickets or a subscription to our season, or wanting to sing with us, you can reach us in one of the following ways: send a letter, an e-mail or call and leave a message with your contact information. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Contact us by email email : click on the image on the left to send us an email
telephone : 819-920-0350 (leave a message)
Send a letter throught the mail mail : Chœur classique de l'Outaouais, P.O. Box 1653, Station B, Gatineau (QC) J8X 3Y5

We want to thank our partners and sponsors: